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Town of Newtown, CT             


The Sustainable Energy Commission held a regular meeting Thursday, December 15, 2011 in meeting room 3 of the Municipal Center located at 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT 06470.

The meeting was called to order by chairman, Kathy Quinn at 7:00 pm.

Present: Chairman, Kathy Quinn, Joseph Borst, Fred Hurley, Barbara Toomey

Absent: Dan Holmes, Sarah Hemingway, Desiree Galassi, Benjamin Roberts

Mr. Borst announced the RTC had unanimously nominated him for the public building and sight committee.

Ms. Quinn stated that she had attended a symposium in Wethersfield, Connecticut on November 19.  There was a roundtable discussion with other similar commissions from around the state about 3rd party energy suppliers and how some towns had contracted with them to provide lower costs to residents and they seemed to be happy with the results. Mr. Hurley commented that some of the rates on the choice list were lower than what these 3rd party suppliers were offering and that is why they chose not to go forward with the 3rd party energy supplier. Ms. Quinn stated that it had been beneficial to establish contact with people from other small towns around the state in similar positions.

Acceptance of November Minutes:
There were not enough members present to accept minutes at this time.

Old Business:

Reed Roof:
Mr. Hurley stated that the Reed School Roof is not going ahead at this time, there were audits missing that would make the school eligible for the grant and the audits needed to have been done within the last 3 years. There is a CL&P representative working with Geno Failla on the audits and the details needed to go forward with the project. The audits would recommend improvements that needed to be made. Dan Holmes met with a group of students from the middle school who are interested in working on a solar project and would like to help with the project and follow it all the way through. It would be ideal to have both the Reed School and Middle School buildings ready to go forward with the project in the Spring, want to start the process at the schools in January.
Funding this project could be done through purchase power agreements which would bring the payback amount to a lower number.

Ms. Quinn stated the meeting took place on December 6 and they looked at the RFP and that it looks like the Board of Education is interested and receptive, both the finance manager and building manager were in attendance. They are going ahead with the RFP, it will be advertised in January.

Water Treatment Plant:
Mr. Hurley stated there will be a public hearing on January 11, 2012 with the Inland Wetlands Commission. There were a few concerns raised that will be addressed at the hearing.

Chamber of Commerce:
No updates, per Ms. Quinn

Transition Movement:
Ms. Toomey stated that she emailed Amy Mangold, Parks & Recreation Director, to set up a discussion about a Movie (Documentary) Night.

Tree Lights:
Ms. Quinn stated that the tree lights are up and Amy Mangold, Parks and Recreation Director, expressed her thanks to the commission for providing the LED lights that are illuminating the tree.

Home Energy:
Ms. Quinn stated that there is a mailing from the tax department that the Commission could include an insert about Home Energy Solutions.

2012 Meeting Schedule:
Ms. Quinn stated the 2012 Meeting Schedule was sent out and submitted to the town clerk and commission.

New Business:
No new business per Ms. Quinn

The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 on the authority of Chairman, Kathy Quinn.

The next regular meeting will occur on Thursday, January 19, 2012 at 7:00 pm at the Newtown Municipal Center.

Submitted, Jessica Smith, clerk.